Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pink Friday, October 17th

Cozy Cottage is participating in Make Mine Pink's Pink Friday this week. The theme is "In the Hope Chest" which promises to be full of surprises. Just think of all the goodies that could be placed in a hope chest! Be sure to visit Cozy Cottage and the other participating MMP boutiques to see what we have to offer for your hope chest. Remember, this is also a FRIDAY event although sometimes you can peak in a little early and grab some goodies when no one is looking!

We have also joined the Friday Flea Market blog group which promises to be a fun adventure. Just click on their icon on the right side of my blog to visit Cozy Cottage and all the other participating shops. But is FRIDAY Flea Market so you can't visit til then!

Be sure to set aside some time on Friday to do some serious shopping......and have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

The Muse said...

Your blog is delightful! :)

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