Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Vintage Linens" featured this Pink Friday at MMP

Thank you for joining Cozy Cottage and all of the other participating boutiques for "Pink Friday at Make Mine Pink". We look forward to seeing you each and every week for "shopping with a twist."

The Special Occasion is Today and Every Day" ~Jessica McClintock~Simply Romantic Decorating

Tiny stitches created by talented hands, a delicate hem stitch, a beautiful monogram, the first alphabet sampler made by a young girl, delicate colors faded by time and use~ a young girl learning to stitch at her Mother’s knee, a Grandmother bequeathing the coveted Irish Linen napkins to the newly weds ~these are the merest whispers of our past that enhance our lives today.

Join the Boutiques for PINK Friday @ Make Mine Pink as we present this week's "shopping with a twist' theme~ Vintage Linens.

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